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Jay Leno and McCullen shared an interesting fact that Dan Gurney test-drove the HiPo Mustang convertible, and gave a bunch of specific feedback to Jack Prendergast. His input about the engine, suspension, and handling of the car helped turn the Mustang into a pure muscle car legend. Gurney actually preferred the convertible to the coupe, because the added bracing sourced from the Ford Thunderbird gave it a lower center of gravity.

til fepji tsptBliupiaSipJtilWawMIS TRIEDJapAiFORNIImffnniiiUSwianese Interfered WithTests but DidntKnow ItSERIES OF SHOTSShells Flew Two Miles- High and Landedon TargetFrom Thursdays AdvertiserHad a cablegram been sent from Honolulu to tlio mainland yostorday announcing that Japanese had interferedwith the testing of four 8 inch mortnrsat Battery Ha rlow Fort Bugor thenews might well have displaced thatconcerning tho Mexican situation in national and International interest Andit would bo true Japanese- did in reality interfere in tho tests and dolayodthe firing of tho first gun But Japanbad nothing to do with it and tho Japanese concorned didnt even know theywere obstacles to the carrying out ofthe tests according to schedule Twofishing sampans drifting idly in tholay of Waialao and about half way between Koko Head and Diamond Headwere within tbo zone of proposod fireand had tbo gun been fired at tho timeplanned tho great projectilo mighthavo landed upon and certainly wouldhave splashed in closo proximity to thofishing -vesselsTen oclock was tho time selectedfor tho firing of the first gun but heavyrains with resultant mists covering theseascape prevented tho test being madeat that time Battery Harlow was acenter of interest for army men therebeing representatives from all the postssave Schoficld Barracks while severalofficer 3 wero present also from thomarine barracks Tho right pit of mortnra four in number were tho onesunder consideration These guns didnot meet the original tost over a yearago owing to defects in tho castironraces which have been replaced by steelones There wero no defects found inyesterdays trialsCaptain Piatt ordnance departmentwas in cbargo of the tests Major Timberlake commandant of Fort Bugorwas in attendance and was upon thoplatform with Captain Wilbur whowas the chief assistant to Captain Piatt3oneril Macomb Lieutenant Andrewshis aid Major Dunning Twontlcth Infantrvj Cnptain Chapman TwentiethInfantry Major Nevillo U 8 M CCaptain Marlx V 8 MT C Major WinBlow Corps of Engineers and a number of lieutenants from Fort Buger andFort 8haftor wero present The national guaTd was represented by ColonelSoper and Marston CampbellAll Beady butThe guns wero swabbod tho breechblocks swung and perfectly ndjustedand the projectiles whoelod out to theplatform Captain Piatt announced hisreadiness to commence the tests Inthe commanding officers observatorywhlph is located on a high cminoncobetween the two nests of mortars waan artillery captain A sergeant witha tolephono apparatus attached to hislicaid was in communlction with thoofficer in the observatory located in agallery in tho crater far up the slopoback of the lighthouse Upon tho officer in chargo of this station dovolvedtho dnty of ascertaining tho rangeTbo observatory officer telephoned tohavo tho gun elevated and trained ina certain direction which would pormltit to drop nbout half way between KokoHead and Diamond Heaid and not morethan a milo from shoro which wouldmake it about opposite Paul Isenbergshome nt WaialaoThe gun loaded with its projectiloand powder chargo inserted was thenelevated until tho piece pointed almoststraight up into the air About thistimo tho observatory officer found asampan apparently a powor vesselsteaming out from Waialao towardKoko Head Notice to dojay proceedings came to the blue-denim-clad en-llcfnd mnn linnrlUnP the CUDS for fromtheir pit thoy have no opportunity ofseeing anything but tho slopo of Diamond Head crater and the surroundingdirt covered casemates and they couldnot xealizo whaj was holding back thotest Thoro was a long watt too sampan with its occupants all unknowingthat four great guns loaded and shotted wero trained upon them driftedhappily along Major Tlmbcrlake freuently asked the officor in the C Oastation if tbo range was not clearNot yot was the responseFinally Major Tlmberlnko asked jocosely if that little sampan covered thewhole Pacific OceanEventually the range was clear andtho order was given to prepare to fireSoldiers left tho pit and tbo only menleft there were Captain Piatt and thosergeant who had the end of the longlanvnrd The spectators put thumbs totheir ears opened their mouths andstood on their toesThis will be nshot said an officerBoar and CrashThere was a deep roar and crashflame belched from the muscle of themortari tho gun plunged backward anddownward upon Its springs and instantly time was a boom as the projectile mounted upwardsHjvttetjr ran sroaaj tb roadwayFrom a Honolulu CitizenIs yonr back lamo and painfullHawaiian ostm rwnAV iar m n mT1 arM MriM m T inwrsrTffirn it mrarnaTnmmTJT1rrrAMERICAN HOPSHUE FIRED UPONstrtftB orTUBNWMOfsdwials AMAC0O4M XHBQRANDBMBSIDIO Texas March 83 Bullets from the rifles of the federal garrlson of the Mexican town of Ojlnagajust across tho Mo Grande flew amongtho American troops in station hero y8terday the guns of tho garrison beingapparently fired Intentionally this warMany bullets foil in tho camp and townbut no soldier was struck A Mexicanboy who was visiting tho Americancamp was woundedTho revolutionists arc pressing thogarrison hard and further demandsupon tbo federal commander to surrender were sent in yosicraayUko Knight of OlaPRESIDIO Texas March 13 Llkon fcornlA of knichthood days an Insurgent rider rode beneath the adobo wallaof Ojtnaga yesterday challenging thotmrrlsnrf tn comn into tho open arid dohattlo no was answered by a volleyof Mauser bullets but gallopod awayunhurt mocking tho govornmont soldiers Tbroo times has Joso do la CruzSanchez written to Genoral Liquo asking him to bring his troops outBide oftown in order to avoid the killing ofnoncombatants and today tho spectacular messenger delivered tho oral challenge under tho guns of six hundredarmed soldiersTho narrlson at Ojinaga is in des-perato straits Genoral Liquo Is stillhoping for rolnforcemonts but nono hasbeen ordorod to his relief--Helpful WordsDoes it ache especially after exertionIs thoro a soreness in the kidneyregionThese symptoms indicato weak kidnoysThere is danger in delayWeak kidneys fast get weakerGive your trouble prompt attentionDoans Backache Kidney PlUsactquicklyThey strengthen weak kidneysBead this Honolulu testimonyB T White Pearl City Oahu Honolulu Hawaii says I am ninety twoyears of ago and I suffered from backache and kidney disease lor cigai yearsI have given Doans Backache KidneyPills a fair trial and havo been so greatly benefited that I cheerfully recommend them to other kiduoy sufferersDoans Backache Kidney Pills areBold by all druggists and storekeepersat SO cents per box six boxes 250or will bo mailed on receipt of price bytho Hollistei Drug Co Honolulu wholesale agents for the Hawaiian IslandsBemember the name Doans andtako no substituteCONTRACT SWINDLERFREE IN ACMATLANTA Georgia March 23Capt Greene who was sontenced In April 1900 in company withCaptain Gnynor for aofrauding thogovornmont in connection with the Savannah Harbor contract completed hissentence yesterday and was releasedafter taking tho paupers oath that howas unablo to pay tho largo fine imposed in addition to tne jail sontenceGrccno and Gaynor in collusion withLieutenant Carter of tho army engineers department succeeded in robbingtho government out of a total of 722000 Carter handling tho specificationsand bids lor naroor wor ana ureenoand Gavnor being contractors Tbogamo was kept up from 1892 until 1897when uartcr was arrested ana cis accomplices fled Thoy woro discoveredin Montreal Quebec in 1905 Their extradition fight was one of tho greatestlegal battles ever seen in tuo CanadiancourtBTho skeleton of a man recently foundJn tho Thames mver is declared byProf Artbar Keith to bo 170000 yearsoldto not a view of the sea Tho secondspassed on and when they reached fortyeyes wero strainea towara tue reeisIn exactly forty four seconds there wasa splash in the ocean a column of watershot upward a few feet and then settled down in a roaming mass airectiyin tbo path pursued recently by thefialiinc samnanTho second gun was fired with thosamo result The projectilo landedabout where the first ono dropped andso on for tho four gunsIve got tho location wiiere tneyfell marked said O H Brown thoman who bought as second hand metalthe cast iron races which wont defective in tbo first tests Perhaps I canget theso out of tbo sea for junkAn officer remarked that thoy wouldall be closo togetherHeavier ChargesThen camo higher charges and thotime was figured for a sixty-four-secondflight The first projectiles badmonnted about two and a half miles inthe air before starting on the returntoward tho sea In exactly sixty fourseconds from the disehargo of thp gunon the second round of firing the projectile landed out on tho reef Thetests were successful throughoutAll eight mortars of Fort Bqgcr aronow ready for action Bo aro the twotwelvo ineh rifles at Pearl Harbor andso are the asanll ealiber guns mosntodat Fort Armstrong The Oahu shorefrom Koko Hodd to Pearl Harbor Itbow dfBd by a chain of fortafl WILL SHOW JAPMEHE LABORQUESTION HAS GEE QVFlSIIillr Bratrt O WMkfMall frXIM 16 The AdvertiserWASttUWfOH Marsh lkWWhcMHie eeftttts tafeau gives out Ins nnmtrfrof Jape residents of tho UnitedSlate which It official expect to bosome time during April there will bean essential contribution to the problem of Japanese Immigration There ita suspicion that anti Jspanee agitatorin the far western States have greatlyoverstated tho gravity of the situationfrom tbo labor standpoint ana that theJapanese population Of Pacific Coastand Bocky Mountain States Is muchless than ofllelali at Washington havebeen led to believeSomo days ago tbo commissioner genoral of immigration Mr OKocfc askcd employes of his bureau for datalln opium soiruro case may bo developed presently under tho investigations of federal authorities involving a promlnont local manSince tho seizure of 0000 worth ofopium which was brought from SanFrancisco to Honolulu pn tuo steamshipLurllne consigned as freight to NScbarlin the authorities have boon connecting up a local business man -withsomo of tho deals and tho investigation may result in an exposure whichJapan Not Aimedat in ManeuversWA8HNIGT0N March 22 Thattho United States has no fear thatJapan may attempt to tako advantageof the prosent situation in Mexico andthat tho maneuvers wero not originated as a bint for Japan to keep outof Mexico was made ovident todaywhen Ambassador Y Uckida of Japancalled at tho Whito Houso upon invitation of President Taft Thodent assured him that reports that thotroops wore sont to the Mexican border in anticipation of a posslblo treacherous act on tho part of Japan are absolutely-without foundation The President stated emphatically that theso reports aro inexcnsablo and requestedtbo ambassador to communicate thestatement to the Emporor of Japan toquiet tbo BenBatlonal rumors that havoarisenCinn rf ilio rpnnrfft in rlrrnlnHftnwas to the effect that Mexico was Iabout to grant Japan a naval base neartuo xuciuc Kruuuus u luotepee railroad and to agree to allowtransportation of supplies over tbo railroad to the Atlantic Coast in tho event-of hostilities between Japan and anyother poworSAN FRANCISCOEARNS THANKS OEPRESIDENT TAFTSan Francisco has recently completedtho payment of tho citys allotment toward tho Bod Cross Endowment tbonews reaching Honolulu through a personal letter from President Taft whois also president of tho socioty inAmerica to Barbour Lathrop tho well-known San Franciscan who is visitinghere Mr Lathrop took an actlvo partin Bed Cross organization in his cityaudis naturally proud of tho record itbns made The Presidents letter tohim saysAmerican Bed CrossWashington D CFebruary 28 1911Mr Barbour LathropBishop CompanyHonolulu H TDear Sir I nm auvised of another proof of tho generosity andpublic spirit of Califoruians thecompletion of the San Franciscoallotment to tbo Bed Cross Endowment and payment of the wholeamountMy btatoks for your assistancenre auo and are noreny renaereaWM IL TAFTPresident American Bed CrossDEATH OF ONEWELL KNOWN HERENEW YOBK -March 23 Thomas TWllltnvn Vitislnnoa vnnnnfTA P trinf I MllUJ0f UUIMb4 UMUVtj U WHearst New York nowspapers died lastJijgui iruiu uisijjuiusT T Williams spent somo time heroas a correspondent during tbo excitingante annexation period lie tooic astraw vote of the legislature on thesubject of annexation and otherwisemade bis presence notableOHOLEEAWhen cholera Is present In tbo community tako Chamberlains ColicCholera uml Diarrhoea Bemedy on tbonrtt unnatural looioness or tae nowcisand the attack may be checked in itsIneiplencyAdvices from Parlu to New Torkwine Importers indlsate that an ndvanee v between S and 110 a caseoa champagne is coatMaplsted thisyear by the Freath wis groweriMtiiiHmtiKJtifctotil hit Japatiw pepslattes la varlw Stales anil wm surprised to learnthat there was nese Tk toiler agllalien ever the Ifxmtgratton ef JapaneseIim pftgremtd for several years butthe government hM tad no faellltlMfor learning at all definitely whetherthe Japanese laborers were really a serious menaceDuring that time record of th arrivals and departures of Japanese laborers havo been kept by the department of commerce and labor Theeslum that during thoTUcal year whichended Juno 30 last MO 3 Japanese tamoto the mainland ports of the UnitedStates and that 6024 departed thusdcnletins tho normlation bv oulto 2500In the samo period 1C27 Japanoso arrived in Hawaii and 355 dopartedThe figures both for the mainland andfor Hawaii wero about the samo forthe previous fiscal yearBUSINESS IN MAY BE CONNECTED UP ITflE OF SCHUS OPIUM IMPORTImportant developments in thowill havo some spectacular featuresttcnarun naB raado a number orfriends during his six months staybore and one of them it is bollovodbns had intimate knowledge of thoopium importations and tho distributionof the dopeNot content with this supposed condltlon of affairs tho probe has gono further and it is bclievod that tho friondof Scharlin has done importing on hisown account or that somo of tho opiumxor Hcnarun mis como in packages consigned to his local friendEFIRST TED33 TO BLEED HIMSELFTO DEATH AND THEN OUTSHIS THEOATDeliberately attempting to bloedhimself to death and fallingtng to another room locking the doorand cutting his throat Andy Olsonsecretary of tho carpenters union yosterday ended his life in the unionsrooms above tbo Kentucky saloon onAlakca streetShortly afterwards tho door wasbroken in and he was found gaspingfor breath on tho floor The policewore sent for and tho man was rushedto tho hospital but he died on tbo wayAn inquest was held last night resulting in a vordict of suicidal death Little is known about tho man He wasliving alone and a search of his roomby Chief McDuffio failed to rovaal anveluo to his reasons for taking bis own11IOTho body was taken to WilliamsUndertaking Parlors and tho remainswill bo cared lor by his brother carpentersFrom what can bo learned from thoarrangement of tho furniture in thoroom tho man seated himself in thopresidents chair in the main room andcut several deep gaBhcs on the wristand ono on his forearm Ho did notmake them deep enough to nrovo fatalas soon as ho expected and after apparently permitting tho wounded armto hang over the chair abovo a cuspidor which was full of blood ho staggered across tho floor into one of tbreolittle rooms wboro ho mado the fatalstroke He was seen lost in tho morning at tbo Popular HousoISLAND FOLKS INLOS ANGELES ACTIVELOS ANGELE8 March 10 That theHawaiian Islands should domand rep10resentation in the Federation of Statoorganizations is complimentary tosouthern California A preliminarymeeting of tho Hawaii Society was heldyesterday at 533 South Spring streetiu tho Clko of the local island representativeAny former resident of any of thoHawaiian Islands may join this sociotyand it is hoped that the Hawaiian tableat tuo banquet or tne ioueranon oiState organizations will be not only unusual In its forco and cucctlvcnrss butcomplcto in its attendance Tho following members of tho newly formedorganization will attend Mr and MrsIVlward L Scovill Mrs O L SilvesterMr and Mrs T F Davidson L CHooker Mrs John Ena1 Mrs EmilyAdams Mr and Mrs Sinclair BidgoodMr and Mrs Thomas Soutbwick Mraud Mrs Edward Mossman and FrancesK HeadleeThe organization will be completedand officers elected at a later dateHDIBEOT BOAT SEBVIOEVTA PACIFIC TO ETJBOPBSAN FBAN018CO March 10 Balfour Guthrio Co in anticipation oftbo opening of the Panama Canalmade the announcement today of theestablishment of direct steamship service between the Pacifle Coast portsand Europe Until the canal is completed the steamers will go via theStrait of MagellanSteamers of an average of 10000tons capacity and tbirtocn knots spetdit is expected will enable them to glvoregular scrvico of from fifty to sixtyS nysHeretofore it was stated tbii tradobad been carried by sailing vmjsIs andbas never bu Imi than seventy firedays and of uwrtaln swlMMICEMENTCOMMISSILBILIi INTRODUOHDfclNa WATER WbRXB KTOTO flVfi MJBKFrom Thursdays AdvetllMfCemmlwlon form of gottrnmettt eofar as ono branch of tbo Oily andCounty of Honolulu in joint partnership with tho Territory ia concernedwas provided for in a bill IntroducedIn tho houso yesterday byftlvo B V Ccrrea of tho fifth districtand passed first rending by titleThis bill known as U 11 180 ladesignated as an Act creating aBoard of Wator and Scwcrago Commisslonora for Honolulu and providingfor tho transfer of tho nunngemontcontrol and maintenance of tho Uonolulu water and sower works to and byVaid commissionersIt is practically tho plan advocatedby Bobort W Single city treasurerand tho bill as submlttod Is the resultof tho bearing recently bad beforo thojudiciary commtttco of the houso recently to consider the sale of tho waterworks or at least transfer to tho jurisdiction oi tno county wrncn was docldod as IllegalProblem Is NowTho problem as proposed is a nowono here insofar as tho joint representation of tho county and territorialgovernments with tho city authoritiesis concorned and tho working or tnocommission if tho bill becomes a lawwill bo watched with tho closest in-ttcrestTho commission is to consist of fivomembers two of them to be supervisorsof this county ono business man onephysician and ono engineer all to boappolntod by tho Governor subject toconfirmation by tho scuatoTho secretary shall bo a raomuor oitho board and it is providod that hissalary shall not bo tnoro than 3000 ayear and tho board may omploy engineers and clerks and set their salariesToxt of BillTho bill itsolf is as followsSection 1 Thoro shall bo and thoroBo it enacted by tho Logislaturo ofis horoby established a board of watorand seworage commissioners for Honolulu which board shall consist of fivomembersSection 2 Tho cntlro managementsupervision control maintenance andextension of tbo Honolulu wator supply and sowerago works is horebytransferred to and vested in tho boardof wator and sowerago commissionersfor Honolulu created and establishedby this ActSection 3 All tbo rights powerscontrol and supervision now possessedand exercised by tho superintendentof public works in connection with andover tbo Honolulu water and soworworks and wator supply Is hereby givon assigned transferred to and 1mposed upon tho board of wator and soworaco commissioners created and established by this Act and the severalActs and parts of Acts now in forcennd which relate to tho Honolulu watorand sower works aro to bo read in connection with this Act and tho sovoralprovisions of said Acts and parts ofActs arc norouy mauo a part or tnisAct In tho same manner as if actuallyincorporated herein in so far as thosamo snail bo consistent witu tuo provisions of this ActSection 4 Tho Governor shall nominate and by and with tho consent oftho senato shall appoint five personswho shall bo called and known as thoboard pf water and sowerago commissioners for HonoluluTho said board of water and soworago commissioners shall consist of onoperson actively engagod in commercialbusiness ono person who is a dulyliconsod physician two porsons wbolshall bo members of tbo board of supervisors of the City and County of Honolulu and ono person who is a civilengineer Tho said commissioners shallbold offico for two yoars and until thoirsuccessors aro appolntod and qualifiedunless troonor removed as provided bylawSection 0 It shall bo tho duty ofsuch commissioners within fivo days oftheir appointment to meet together andoloct ono of thoir number to act aschairman of tho board and to electanother of said board to uct astarv of the said board Tho said boardof commissioners wbon so organizedshall immediately havo and assume tliocontrol uso and management of tboentire wator and sower works of Honolulu and of tho distribution and saloof water and tbo control and management of all pumping stations macnlnory tools and implements used in conncction therewith and tho said boardof commissioners shall havo full poworand control oi and ovor tue collectionbf tho revenues derived from tbo saloand distribution of water and otherwise and the ravenuo derived from tbosower works from ovory source andshall disburso all moneys for the costand maintenance of tbo Honolulu watort supply and sowerago works subject toluu pruviBiuus ui luu buvltui ncig uuuparts of Acts nuw in forco in relationtheretoSection 0 The said board of commissioners shall havo a suitable officoin Honolulu in which to bold tho meetings of tho board and transact tbo business of tbo board and said board ofcommissioners shall bavo full powerand authority to appoint and fix tbosalaries of such engineers assietantaand clerks as may bo necessary to efficiently carry on and conduct tbo management of tbo Honolulu wator supplyand sewerage works and the said commissioners by a majority vote may fixthe salaray of tbo secretary of tbo saidboard nut to exceed the sum of threethousand dollars per annumncction 7 ah revenue derived iromtimo tq time from tbo Honolulu watorand sower works shall bo subject tothe provision contained in Act No 103of the Session Laws of 1009 untltlodAn Act to provide lor tno maintenance extension end Improvement andIWMliffMmiilMNlMiMMpIUMIii ISAIMED ATCRISISDanger Greater ThinHe Had ThoughtExistedREFORMS AT ONCENo Concessions toRebels in theFieldcrrr of MexicoMinister Limantour intheMarch 3an interviewyesterday admlttod that his investigations of affairs snee his arrval fromabroad had convinced him that Mexicois facing n greater crisis than bo hadbclievod existed Not only was thorevolution in tho north much more extended than tho reports sent him hadled him to bollovo but bo had foundthat discontent rebellion nnd seditionprevailed to n very alarming degreothroughout tho southern States of thoBepubllcHo declared that tho governmentwould commenco at onco on tho inauguration of numerous reforms to allaytho dissatisfaction prevalent throughout tho land rynong tho first reformsto bo announced to bo n revision of thoelection lotosOn tho other hand tho govornmontwas determined to offer no concessionsto the revolutionists in the field and tomako no suggestion of any accoptancoof their terms for ending tho revolutionHermoslllo SafeHEBMOSILLO March 221A largobody of regulars has arrived hero toreinforce tho local garrison The rebelshave withdrawn to a safo distance Itis possiblo tbo regulars will bo sontout against thorn12000 Armed BobelsNEW YOBK March 14 Dr Francisco Gomez leader of tho Washingtonjunta of tho Insurrectionists In Mexicodelivered a goncrai defiance of thoMexican government this nf ternoon justboforc ho departed for Washington DrGomez who has boon hero several daysin consultation with Gustnrv MaderosaidThe revolutionists will lay downtheir arms only when their domandsaro granted If tho demands are notgranted wo shall contlnuo to fight totho death Wo aro not worried overtho presenco of United States troops InTexasWo that is tho insurrectioniststhink that tho movement of troops isdirected against Mexico as won a totho smucrclinir of arras and is not purely directed raainet tho insurgents Thogovernment is now realizing tbo serious-noss of tlio insurgent movement anatho wholo country is thoroughlyalarmedThero aro 12000 men under arms Intwonty States out of thirty ono Statesfighting for tho insurgent cause In addition to our pnysicai scrcngtn actuallyin the field wo havo many Americanmen in high places who aro not onlysympathizing witii us in oar strugglebut aro aiding us with resourcesEHPEESS DBTVEBS QOBACK TO WOBK BEATENNEW YORK March 23 expressdrivers striko which began againsttho Adams Express Company and extended to the otbor largo express companies was caliod off yesterday thomen returning to work on tho termsof the companyBEST LINIMENTSlight accidents and injuries aro afroquent occurronco on tho farm and intho work shop A cut or bruise whichis often the causo of much annoyanceand loss of time may bo cured in aboutone third tbo timo usually required byapplying Chamberlains Fain Balm assoon as the injury Is received Tboreisno dangor of blood poisoning Tosultingfrom an injury when this liniment isapplied before tho parts become inflamed and swollon For salo by alldealers Bonson Smith Co Ltdagents for Hawaiihowever that tho monoys derived fromall revenues from timo to timo fromtho Honolulu water and sower worksas provided for in said Act shall boapportioned nryl applied from timo totimo by a majority vote of tho Baldboard of wator and seworage commissioners Instead of the superintendentof public works with tho approval oftlio uovornor to tuo general purinneuand as provided in said ActSection 8 All powers beretoforo hadand exercised by tho superintendent ofpublic works under any Act or partsof Acts now in force in relation towater supply water rights and anything incidental thereto and connectedtherewith in Honolulu and all rightsconnected with tho supplying of wateraud tbo power to lucroaso the supplyaro hereby vested in and shall bo subject to tbo control of and supervisionof tho board of water commissionerscreated bv this Act instead ot thoMinerlntendent of public workspayment of the eost of the Honolulu This Aet absll take effect on thewator and wwer werkt provided day tf 1811jjtnmmmeuatmi1Jt3VI1itA44iM141J IJdVilmia 2ff7e9595c

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